Blog Casey Young Blog Casey Young

Revitalize your glow this fall with chemical peels!

It’s Fall y’all!! As autumn's crisp air arrives, the leaves start turning, and football has taken over your TV, it’s the perfect time to refresh your skincare routine. At Porto Cosmetic Surgery in Fishers, Indiana, we believe that fall is the ideal season to invest in a chemical peel and reveal your most radiant self.

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Blog Casey Young Blog Casey Young

Making A Masterpiece - Sculptra Proves To Be A Collagen Building Miracle Worker

As we age the skin’s structure gradually weakens as dermal collagen breaks down and slows in production, demonstrating that time is not always on our side. Collagen serves as the main structural component of skin. This vital protein maintains its elasticity, firmness, and overall youthful appearance. As the collagen breakdown process continues visible signs of aging become more and more evident in your overall complexion, facial structure, and prominence of fine lines and wrinkles. Sculptra addresses these common concerns by building collagen and thus transforming skin from the inside out. Now thats what I call a biostimulating modern-day renaissance man!

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Blog Casey Young Blog Casey Young

Viva La SkinVive - Long Live Hydrated And Healthy Skin

Proper hydration is a crucial cornerstone of many of the body’s functions. The skin, our largest organ, is no exception. Maintaining hydration is considered the best defense against dull and prematurely aged skin, and as we all know, the best offense is a good defense. Traditionally, topical moisturizers and aesthetic skin treatments have done the heavy lifting to keep skin consistently moisturized, but a revolutionary new injectable has come to lighten that load.

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Blog Casey Young Blog Casey Young

Face Reality Acne Bootcamp

A 3 to 6 month commitment to clearer skin. Sit down with our Aesthetic Nurse, Maggie, for a comprehensive skin consultation and assessment. Maggie will go over your skin goals and curate a regimen that's specifically tailored to your lifestyle and your skin.

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Blog Casey Young Blog Casey Young

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Whoa! - Making Your Breast Bet In Augmentation Implant Selection

For many women, the decision to have breast augmentation surgery is perhaps one of the easiest to make in the pre-operative planning process. In fact, Dr. Steven Porto often hears from his patients at the first post operative office visits that they wish they had taken the plunge and had breast augmentation years before. One of the most crucial steps prior to surgery is deciding between the many breast implant options available. Will they be silicone or saline? Mentor Brands Memory Gel Xtra or Allergan’s Natrelle “gummy bear” implants? And you thought picking out the perfect pair of shoes to wear with that date night dress was a tough choice!

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Blog Casey Young Blog Casey Young

Mastering The Masseter - Botox For TMJ

“POP, CLICK, GRIND” No, that’s not the noise from that old Buick your Grandpa gave you when you turned 16. Those are the symphony of sounds made by the jaw of someone suffering from Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome also known as TMJ.

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Blog Casey Young Blog Casey Young

From Go-Getter to Glow-Getter: The Hydrafacial

When your skin says “HELP!” but your schedule says “You have a Zoom call at 2:30 and staff meeting at 4” you need skin pampering efficiency. It’s time to pencil in a Hydrafacial here at Porto Cosmetic Surgery with our esthetician Jorden or nurse Maggie and take your skin from “what happened?” to “WOW!”

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Blog Casey Young Blog Casey Young

Open Your Eyes to The Benefits Of Blepharoplasty

A blepharoplasty is the formal terminology for the medical procedure many refer to as the eyelid lift. The medical terminology for this treatment may seem complicated but the procedure itself is in fact relatively simple and yields truly fantastic results.

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Blog Casey Young Blog Casey Young

Pucker Up: Perfecting Your Pout The Porto Way

As one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed far and wide, lip filler has given patients new meaning to the phrase “Read My Lips!”. Lip filler treatments offer a noticeable yet natural solution to concerns like volume, symmetry, and overall definition in the lip area and can be customized to fit each patient’s unique concerns. Before deciding if lip filler is right for you, there are some key facts to consider prior to treatment.

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Blog Casey Young Blog Casey Young

Discover Your Best Skin Yet with SkinBetter Science

When it comes to caring for your skin and protecting your investments in injectables and treatments, choosing the right skincare products is crucial. SkinBetter Science combines a passion for skincare and, you guessed it, science along with evidence-based ingredients to target a wide array of skin needs in patients of any age.

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