Make Everyday Mother’s Day: The Mommy Makeover

The term “Mommy Makeover” has become very widely recognized in the world of cosmetic surgery by both surgeons and patients alike. Primarily it applies to women following childbearing years looking to restore the pre-pregnancy body of their youth. It can also apply, however, to those who has experienced massive weight loss and are looking to further enhance their results by tightening and shaping areas of concern. Generally, a mommy makeover consists of a procedure involving the breasts and at least one involving the abdominal area. The combination of these two areas revitalizes the body and brings the shapely silhouette reminiscent of pre-pregnancy days.

How childbirth changes the body

Changes in a woman’s body following their childbearing and breastfeeding years can include breast drooping, sagging, and deflation. Additionally, separation of the abdominal muscles, also known as diastasis recti, can cause bulging of the abdominal wall. Persistent pockets of fat along the midsection can also plague women after pregnancy despite adhering to diet and exercise regimens. Women who have breastfed more than one child or for extended periods of time especially experience vast changes in breast size and tissue laxity due to the fluctuation of size during this time. Breast procedures to lift and/or augment the chest can address the changes following having children. Similarly, there are a number of abdominal procedures either individually performed or combined that can repair and restore the tummy to its former glory.


The breasts experience continuous changes throughout a woman’s childbearing years particularly for those who breastfeed. These size fluctuations can greatly affect skin laxity and breast tissue as well as nipple position. The breast lift procedure, also known as a mastopexy, is an ideal choice to remedy these changes and restore youthful shape to the breasts. Nipples can also be reshaped and repositioned during a lift to enhance the overall look. Frequently an augmentation is performed in conjunction with a lift to both reposition and enlarge the breasts for a completely renewed look.


There are many options to treat the abdominal area during a mommy makeover procedure to address repairing abdominal muscles, excess fat, and skin tightening. This can include a combination of procedures such as an abdominoplasty and liposuction. An abdominoplasty is the removal of excess skin by an incision along the bikini line where the surgeon is also able to repair any damaged abdominal muscles. Any tightening to the upper abdomen can be done through a small incision near the belly button. Liposuction is also a common component of a mommy makeover and can really take a patient’s results to the next level. Liposuction removes stubborn fat deposits through a small tube and is commonly used in problem areas like the love handles, lower abdomen, bra roll, and thighs.

Often moms and women overall want to gain back the confidence of their pre-pregnancy bodies and of their youth. Each mommy makeover procedure can be customized to address a patient’s unique set of concerns. Moms do so much for the ones they love so its time they treat themselves to a body they feel their best in!


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