Shedding Some Light On Chemical Peels

For any patient new to the world of medical esthetics hearing the term “chemical peel” in reference to areas such as the face or neck tends to cause some slight trepidation. However, chemical peels are one of the best methods to combat skin’s most persistent concerns including acne scarring, sun damage, uneven pigmentation, texture, and even signs of aging. Porto Cosmetic Surgery here in Fishers offers five different peels ranging in depth and downtime from medical grade skin care brands ZO Skin Health and skinbetter Science. Ranging in depth from lightest to deepest we offer the ZO Invisapeel, ZO Stimulator peel, Obagi Blue Radiance peel, skinbetter Science Alpha Ret50, and finally ZO’s

All chemical peels available at Porto Cosmetic Surgery are performed by our Licensed aesthetician Jorden and are recommended for any skin type. Chemical peels exfoliate dull and damaged outer layers of skin while stimulating the skin’s natural rebuilding process. Chemical peels can vary in strength and therefore penetrate to different depths providing a range of results to target even the most stubborn skin concerns. The deeper peels often have more downtime and noticeable redness, flaking, and dry skin following treatment. The lighter more superficial peels can often have very minimal if any post treatment downtime and immediately noticeable skin improvements. 

ZO Invisapeel

The ZO Invisapeel, our lightest peel option, is recommended for patients with more delicate or sensitive skin. It gently exfoliates while also replenishing moisture to aid in correction of pigment concerns and skin discoloration. ZO’s Stimulator peel is best for those with rough, dull skin to renew and revitalize the skin. The Invisapeel and Stimulator peel can be performed as often as once a week for up to a month and maintenance peels are suggested around every 4 to 6 weeks and involve no downtime post treatment. See, peels aren’t so scary now are they?

Obagi Blue Radiance

Obagi’s Blue Radiance Peel is a great medium depth option for anyone experiencing the effects of photo damage, acne scarring, and melasma. Immediately post treatment patient’s typically see tighter, smoother, and brighter skin followed by slight peeling and flaking. Treatments are recommended every 4 to 6 weeks for optimum results.

skinbetter Science AlphaRet 50

The skinbetter Science AlphaRet 50 peel is ideal for a wide variety of skin types experiencing the effects of photo damage and pigment issues. AlphaRet skincare blends AHA and BHA acids as well as an AHA Retinoid to combat signs of aging and treat problem prone skin. Many patients report little to no downtime following the AlphaRet 50 peel and treatments can be done every 4 to 6 weeks as well.

ZO Skin Health 3 Step

Finally, the deepest chemical peel offered here at Porto Cosmetic Surgery is the ZO Skin Health 3 Step Peel improves the skin’s ability to repair and renew while also allowing for overall dermal stimulation. Talk about multitasking! The 3 Step Peel does require the use of a retinol at least 4 weeks prior to starting treatment to prepare the skin. On average flaking and peeling is reported for 1 to 3 days following each peel and treatments are spaced around 4 to 6 weeks apart.

Chemical Peels are a great way to address several common skin concerns for virtually any skin type and many have no downtime following treatment. So, what are you waiting for? Call Porto Cosmetic Surgery and schedule your skin consultation with our licensed aesthetician today. Your skin will thank you for it!


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